Joseph Fuerst

>I went on a date with a guy a few weeks ago who was telling me how great
>he though John Rosemond was.

So who *is* John Rosemond?

He's a newspaper columnist/child psychologist?/complete jerk(IMO hee hee).
Our local paper prints a weekly column of his. I could sum it up overall by
saying he thinks (paraphrasing)...."kids these days could use a good
spanking to get them in line. parents are responsible for controlling their
children's behavior....and making them do things that are *good* for them"
A real proponent of "I spanked/controlled/dominated my children when they
were young and they turned out fine."
I admit to reading his column for a few reasons
a) lots of people give credence to what he says...I like to keep somewhat
abreast of how others think (mainstreamers.....I'm propbably considered a
bit odd for respecting my children as whole people)
b) sometimes it's positively hilarious.