Karen Matlock

I've read many books on learning styles (Cynthia Ulrich Tobias' Every Child
Can Succeed is one that's often mentioned and it was good for background)
but the one I like best is
Discover Your Child's Learning Style : Children Learn in Unique Ways--Here's
the Key to Every Child's Learning Success, by Mariaemma Willis & Victoria
Kindle-Hodson. (You think they get paid by the length of the title?) Here's
the Amazon link, for info purposes only:
sr_2_79_3/107-5251376-0356506 (c&p if necessary)

What I liked was the attention paid to other areas besides the basic
visual/auditory/kinesthetic styles that are usually discussed. The
evaluations may seem a bit much, but we had fun with them and I learned why
ds and I are so often at odds with each other. It helped me respect his
needs more.

BTW, Martin Gardner is famous for his puzzles and debunking pseudoscience
and other things (one of those Renaissance people I admire so much) but
Amazon didn't have anything by him on multiple intelligences. That is the
title of a book by Thomas Armstrong, though, as someone mentioned.

'Did it make sense not to live for fun? Your brain gets smart, but your head
gets dumb...'

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