faith buckley

I just thought I might introduce myself , seeing as I have been
eavesdropping on all of your conversations for the past two weeks. My
name is Faith and I am the mother of 4. I have a 7yob, 5yog, 2yog, and
a 2mo. old girl. (I am really new at all of this computer lingo so bear
with me! And if someone would be so kind as to tell me what all of the
abbreviations, (i.e. dh, dd, lol, etc.) mean, I would be ever so

My husband and I were faced with the decision of "SCHOOL" for our son
two years ago and the thought of putting him into a ps frightened the
daylights out of us. First of all the schools around here are just
scary (they teach some weird curr. that go way against our faith), and
second, our son is way to vulnerable to be inindated by the garbage that
flies around the ps (i.e. language, stories, behavior, etc.). We had a
friend from church who was hs and running a daycare who told me I should
hs. My 7yo is a least a half a year ahead of his peers so I couldn't
imagine him in ps. He's the type who would get bored waiting for the
rest of the class to catch up and end up in the principle's office!
He's a VERY quick learner and he likes learning on his own. By the time
I would wake up in the morning, he would already be at his desk working
on his school books so he could get done in order to play. (Now I know
some of you are going to ooo and awww at him not being able to play
until his work was done, but remember I just heard about unschooling,

So, this is my 3rd year hsing and I really love it . I love being the
one who gets to see when the light bulbs go on in my childrens' heads,
and their eyes light up because of something they have just discovered.
Although, for the past 2 years I have constantly been down on myself
because I wasn't making my house a 'SCHOOL'. I thought it was wrong and
my son wasn't really being 'taught' or learning because it wasn't
structured enough.

Now, since I have been 'listening' to you guys, I find that it's ok?
WOW!! You mean I don't have to have a set schedule and a 'classroom'
atmosphere and my children are still going to learn?

One of the posts I read was talking about kindergarten and getting on
kids for not writing neatly. I am ashamed to say, but I realized I was
doing that to my 5yo. Boy, do I feel bad. I remember kindergarten as
nothing but fun playtime with friends not what I have been trying to
make it. I definately need to relax!

I have really been enjoying the insights I have received in the past
couple of weeks. Thank you. I don't know if I can completely go to
'unschooling' but I am going to 'try' to can this scheduleing and stop
trying to make my home a 'school'!

Also, about this socialization thing. My dad has been the only one to
say anything about my kids not being able to socialize enough. But I
always remind him that my children are at church at least 3 times a week
(sunday school, Royal Rangers and Missionettes (like girls and boys
scouts), and youth outreaches) where my kids are around a ton of kids
their age. Around here there are a lot of hs families. Probably 50% of
our church families hs and I'm hearing of more people I know turning to
hs. Usually when people ask my kids what school they go to and they
find out we hs, I hear, "Wow, that's great! I wish I could've hs my
kids." or "I'm thinking about doing that myself!" It's almost becoming
trendy! I think more people would if they knew unschooling was out
there. I think some people are so afraid of it because they think they
have to make it like 'school'! If they knew they could relax and just
have fun with their kids they would be more willing.

Well, I've rambled enough!!!! Sorry, but thanks for listening!

A King's Kid,
