Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

>I'm in Richland. Do you ever get over this way?

We just moved from Richland in March. My parents, and my DH parents live
in the Tri Cities, as well as my closest brother and his family. I was
asking because there seem to be an awful lot of Unschoolers in that area.
I have been subtly working on "converting" my brother and his wife. She is
in the last stretch of her certification to teach High School, but she has
told me she would much rather stay home with the girls (ages 4 and 2.5) and
homeschool them. My brother still does not know what he wants to be when
he grows up, and he cannot currently support them on his salary alone.
They have been very receptive and interested in the information I have
passed along regarding Unschooling.

>Sorry, this isn't exactly unschooling, except that it's life which is all

Honey, EVERYTHING'S Unschooling!!

Nanci K. in Idaho