[email protected]

Unschooling can be challenging. We are surrounded by people, schoolers and
homeschoolers, looking at us funny because it doesn't seem to be something
that could possibly work. Even if deep in our hearts we know this is right,
sometimes we get very scared, and have very hard times believing it ourselves.

We need all the support we can get. I know that for me this list has been
wonderful because in addition to being supported as an unschooling family, we
have also received support as a Lesbian family.

We have recently had a big loss with the closing of Growing Without
Schooling. I think losing Sandra Dodd to this list is another big loss to
many of us, and I hope she will reconsider. (I have sent a copy of this to
Sandra.) Certainly she challenges us, and she is not always gentle. Not all
of us agree with everything she says, or some of us, ANYTHING she says. But
she make us think, and she makes us try to be our best Selves with our

One of the things that has meant a lot to me is her willinness to be upfront
with her own fears. Recently she talked about being psyched and RELIEVED when
one of her children started reading a long novel. She is honest that
sometimes this "trusting children" is hard on the parent.

I urge anyone who has been challenged by Sandra (or anyone else) to take a
breath before responding. First, consider whether you were clear in your
original communication. If the comments or criticisms seem very off-base,
perhaps you have not made yourself as clear as you meant to. Second,
consider what might be true in the challenge. Maybe you can get something
from it. Finally, try not to respond defensively. It's okay to shrug and
say, "This is what MY family needs."

We need all the support we can get. Sandra, I do hope you will re-join us.

Kathryn Baptista

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Elsa Haas

I haven’t been on this list long enough to form an opinion, except that I
think it’s a shame there’s this kind of strife.

I’d hate to see this list go under, whether slowly or precipitously,
especially since I just recently came to it because of Growing Without
Schooling’s demise. I wouldn’t want an exclusive, “invitation-only” list to
sap the strength of this one. I appreciate what people do to keep this list
going – this means you, Helen Hegener, and anybody else I’m not aware of.

I’m going to try to contribute some new threads with interesting content. I
don’t know what else I can do.

Elsa Haas

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