[email protected]

My best friend from Louisiana got involved in NLP. . .Neuro Linguistic
Programming (I'm pretty sure this is the actual name). I don't know exactly
how it works. . . I don't want to even try to explain it, because its been so
long since I even talked to her about it. But I know she got rid of all her
allergies using this technique and even stopped wearing glasses as her
eyesight improved dramatically. She then began to use it in her profession
and has helped lots of people. I have never had allergies, nor have my
children so we never tried it. Her son had a fairly severe peanut allergy
that was gotten rid of.

I know it involves going back in time in a meditative type thing and finding
a trigger point on your body that you can then use. . . but more than that I
can't really say. For instance, I know she had pretty bad allergy to cats.
When the NLP was done, she found out how far back it went, and what the
trigger was that led to it, and healed herself of it. THey now have about 5
cats running around the house.

I just wanted to post about it in case anyone is interested, they could
probably find a practioner in their area. . . I know there were several in
Louisiana, so I suspect its pretty common. . . .I would guess massage
therapists would be a good place to start looking, or probalby the Net as


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