Bridget E Coffman

Funny, I've been told I'm so far left that I'm right. I am too sort of.
Think of the liberal conservative thing as a circle. The center of the
top is what we here in USA consider middle of the road. Republicans are
a fourth of the way down on the right, Democrats on the left. REALLY
conservative Republicans - think Ashcroft - are at the halfway down
point. Get the idea? I'm at the bottom of the circle.


> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 12:49:54 -0800
> From: "Dan Conine" <dconine@...>
> Subject: Re: Whether Sandra is right or wrong...

> Along that thread, I have been told I am so far 'right' that
> John Birch is pink,

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it
goes on.
- Robert Frost