Becky Wollenslegel

Laraine said:
>Between this and the new 'schedule' thing she is going through I do feel
she is comparing her 4 years of ps to the hsing experience she is having.
She is really into getting her work 'done' and I suspect that is also a
throw back from
school. Unfortunately the 6 yog is also attempting this same scenario -
trying to be like big sister I suppose as she has never been to ps. <

This brought a story to mind for me - 7 yo DS was playing with his PS
friend. They were doing "art" and using "glitter glue" and "glitter and
glue" and making a huge happy mess in my living room! She told him he could
be the gym teacher and she would be the art teacher. "Okay class" she
says, "time for you to clean up, I have to leave for a few minutes" She
left the room and he was cleaning up, then she came back. He says, "aren't
you going to help?" She says "No, I'm the teacher, we have helpers to do
that. My art teacher never cleans up!" He says "But I'm a teacher too"
She says, "But you're the gym teacher, so right now you're the student" He
was quiet for a couple minutes and then he says in a disgusted voice "So
what am I? The janitor!"

He told people last year that he was glad he didn't go to school because of
those "Irritating bells". Gee - our never been to school kids are really
missing out on some important lessons aren't they.

Becky in Ohio

[email protected]

In a message dated 9/8/99 7:26:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
beckycraigw12@... writes:

<< He told people last year that he was glad he didn't go to school because of
those "Irritating bells". Gee - our never been to school kids are really
missing out on some important lessons aren't they.

Becky in Ohio

My daughter had begun to make comments which indicated a desire to be like
other kids and go to school, "Just to see what it's like". She went to ONE
day of Vacation Bible School this summer and decided that she would rather
DIE than go to school. They treated her requests in usual "kids don't really
know what they want" fashion and she had to do what everyone else was doing
even though she was interested in something different. She summed it all up
very well when she said, "They tell you that you have to stop learning THAT
thing because now it's time to learn THIS thing. That's it, no more

It made me laugh but she sure nailed it on the head. It was a God-send
because she is on FIRE to learn now. She got a picture of the freedom she
