[email protected]

In a message dated 11/15/01 8:02:51 AM Mountain Standard Time,
dconine@... writes:

> . Add to that, the liberal kiss-butt education system which has created a
> system to extend the immaturity of our kids instead of letting them stay
> home and learn from their parents' good work and responsibility of actions,
> and you have a perpetually self-replicating system of shiny, noisy, useless
> lives who need to be entertained every moment, because when they start to
> actually think and reflect, they end up running to the psychiatrist for
> something to get the 'voices' out of their heads.

That's a pretty long and frantic sentence.
They have drugs for that!

(I'm joking, but not.)

The kind of stress that will come from that much eager frustration won't do
you or your kids any good either.

You live where you live. Options are to move or to deal with it. Dealing
with it by calling it Satan and living in opposition to it is a path taken by
millions, but they're not considered to be the cream of the intellectual
crop. Then there's the stylish cynicism of assuming all others are ignorant
and evil, and that's not a great place for kids to play either.

-=-How many roads do we need for people to go to jobs to create more jobs to
sell more shiny, noisy crap that noone really needs?-=-

I travel on city and federal roads to take Kirby to karate. I use I-25 to
visit my mom and my sister.

People here very much WANT jobs to rent those very non-shiny little houses
and apartments they like to live in. And to buy things to put in them like
bedding and food.

-=-The federal government does NOT represent everyone, they represent the
most votes, WHICH in the last several presidential elections, wasn't even a
majority of the VOTERS, let alone the people. In FACT, it is truthful to say
that whatever platform was elected, the MAJORITY of people DIDN'T WANT IT ! -=

No matter who is elected, those bridges and interstate highways need to be
maintained. That has been a major purpose of government for thousands of
years. Water and sewer and transportation safety.

-=-. It IS the exploitation of emotional responses in people that they don't
even know they have-=-

It's good for people to experience a full range of emotional responses. It's
biochemically healthy. People shouldn't have emotional responses they didn't
know they had. They should be exposed to literature, entertainment, stories,
sights and sounds that induce joy, awe, fear, peace, humility, thrills, hope
and hilarity. Bummer if some kid finds it first in a commercial! The
parents should get them out more.

-=-It gets to be 'evil' when it is directed at children who don't know how to
discern reason and emotional responses-=-
-=-Add to that, the liberal kiss-butt education system which has created a
system to extend the immaturity of our kids ...-=-

Kids grow at the rate they grow. I don't think anything or anyone can extend
their immaturity, but it's easy to blame things and situations for what is
natural in a child. And it is easy for some parents, especially dads, to
expect more of children than they are emotionally and intellectually ready to

It's possible to unschool without identifying an enemy.


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Dan Conine

>The federal government represents all of us in this country. By extension,
>me. By extension, you're calling me a freeloader. I take exception.

I didn't say that you were a freeloader, but, do you feel like one? The federal government does NOT represent everyone, they represent the most votes, WHICH in the last several presidential elections, wasn't even a majority of the VOTERS, let alone the people. In FACT, it is truthful to say that whatever platform was elected, the MAJORITY of people DIDN'T WANT IT ! (and they weren't given the option of "none of the above")

As far as roads and safety issues: How many roads do we need for people to go to jobs to create more jobs to sell more shiny, noisy crap that noone really needs?
How many more football stadiums do we need? What are the resource-hounding, struggling masses of the future going to say about the constant waste we create, and how we protected our right to waste things through government actions?

There is a lot of discussion about TV being bad or good. It isn't the TV, the device is just a device. It isn't necessarily the entertainment. It IS the exploitation of emotional responses in people that they don't even know they have. It gets to be 'evil' when it is directed at children who don't know how to discern reason and emotional responses. Add to that, the liberal kiss-butt education system which has created a system to extend the immaturity of our kids instead of letting them stay home and learn from their parents' good work and responsibility of actions, and you have a perpetually self-replicating system of shiny, noisy, useless lives who need to be entertained every moment, because when they start to actually think and reflect, they end up running to the psychiatrist for something to get the 'voices' out of their heads.

Thus, I give a hearty salute to the unschool efforts of you all !!

Dan C.

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--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "Dan Conine" <dconine@d...> wrote:
> >. Add to that, the liberal kiss-butt education system which has
created a system to extend the immaturity of our kids instead of
letting them stay home and learn from their parents' good work and
responsibility of actions, and you have a perpetually self-
replicating system of shiny, noisy, useless lives who need to be
entertained every moment, because when they start to actually think
and reflect, they end up running to the psychiatrist for something to
get the 'voices' out of their heads.
> Thus, I give a hearty salute to the unschool efforts of you all !!
> Dan C.

While I don't agree complete with what you are saying here, there is
one part I agree with wholeheartedly. Our current public education
system and the system of parenting that seems to have grown up around
it, do keep our children from maturing. I once said, "We treat our
teens like children at best and criminals at worst and then wonder
why they act like children and criminals." Someone liked it enough
to pick it up as a tagline. But it is more than a catchy phrase.
Our schools do promote an immaturity and it does have effects on the
children who are placed there. A few kids may break free of the
system but anyone who thinks every child is strong enough to rise
above it is just plain naive.
I don't however think it is a liberal thing. The problems in our
public schools have been perpetuated and created by both liberals and
