meghan anderson

Ice sculptures are fun! Take a plastic storage box
(like you put toys in), fill it with water & leave it
out overnight (or however long it takes to freeze
solid!). When you're ready to sculpt, take a kettle
with warm to hot (but NOT boiling!) water out and pour
over the box (turn it upside down first). The ice
block will pop out (with some pressure on the bottom
of the box) and voila you are ready for zee artistic
process! Clay sculpting tools work great, but we have
also used swiss army knives, paring knives, ice picks
(or nail starters), chisels, saws, hammers, etc (you
are only limited by your imagination!). Also you can
add food colouring to the pre-frozen water for a nice
effect. Of course, you could always go to the store
and buy an ice block, but somehow it takes away some
of the fun of it for me. Have fun!


>I am looking for some good ideas for playing in >the

>Diana Partington

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