[email protected]

I participate in one with girls ages 6 to 11, and also an adult group.
We use a written book guide as a STARTING POINT for discussion. The
guides contain information about the author, recipes and/or crafts that
somehow relate to the story, a short article on a topic relating to the
story, and a list of questions for discussion. Besides the discussion,
we have a snack and the girls do the craft. (I am not at all a crafts
person, but my girls enjoy that part.)

We followed this philosophy:
"What we share is our love of learning and reading. While we do not
always agree, controversy breeds interesting discussion and thus, we
respect all opinions."

Here is a site with guides for sale (or to give you ideas):

Mary Ellen
Any biologist can tell you that life itself
is a process of consuming energy and matter
and producing waste.