Rachel Wolfe Ravenhart

ElissaJC@... wrote:

> I love it when I hear parents that do not gender-label toys or colors!
> That's awesome! but here's a question for all. If one's son were a
> "fairy"
> would that change your feeling or acceptance? Words can be very
> powerful
> things and can be hurtful even if not intended to be. I don't "worry
> " that
> my son or daughter would be gay or lesbian. I worry that they won't be
> a
> content, happy confident, caring individual.
> Elissa

My 6 year old son is firmly convinced he IS a fairy *g*. In fact, he had
a fairy costume for Halloween. It got some raised eyebrows, but HE loved
it. As far as sexual preferences, however, who knows? He IS only six. If
I had to guess, though, I'd guess he's gonna turn out bisexual, like his


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I am assuming that by 'fairy' you mean gay. If my son were gay it would not
change how we care for and love him. I agree Elissa, our only want for our
children is to be happy, caring, sensitive, and be treated WELL and know


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