Sheri Piersol

I love the library, BUT as a child it overwhelmed me and still does. I
really need to go in with a list of books to check for, I can't just go
look. There are so many books and I just can't seem to deal with it. We do
go every week, but I never require anyone to come and I always go with a
list. I am with the kids that say to keep it short. LOL

The children's section of many libraries is the worst for people like me.
They often are not even alphabitized! Trying to find a book is hard. My
current library(in Maine) is better than the last(in Kodiak, AK).

I only allow my kids to bring home one book, I have any more and they don't
get read. My 9 yo is the only exception, and I often take home two myself.

For my family books are like toys. When we throw them all in a big toy box
nothing gets played with, but when they are in smaller containers they do.
Even better is when I separate the toys and place them around the house. I
guess soem of us are just easily overwhelmed. Teehee.
