Joseph Fuerst

> The only thing I like about all those Dr. Laura's and Jerry Springer's of
> the world is that it is a living example of our freedoms. To quiet an
> oppossing (or just plain irritating) voice would ultimately be to quiet
> own....
What a great point Sheri! I agree, and now I'll be able to articulate my
opinion better...since I'll copy you!! ;-)

Bridget E Coffman

> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 00:14:21 -0000
> From: imo_and_theking@...
> Subject: Math (Re: I'm new to this list)
> I hit enter too soon. So, Sandra, any suggestions for a teen who
> wants to be unschooled, is college-bound, and is math-averse after
> using a textbook for so many years.

I'm not Sandra but here are my thoughts on this:

Rachel wants to go to a college i have recently attended. I happen to
know that the basic college algebra class starts pretty basic - a child
with no formal algebra but a good grasp of basic math would do fine.
There is also a class for those who don't have enough math to take the
algebra class. I forget what it is called - something like preperatory
math or somesuch.
So I would say, look into the colleges (by asking other students there -
not the faculty) and see just what will be needed. You may find that he
needs a lot less than you think in the way of formal math - in fact "none
at all" comes to mind here.


Tyranny of the majority is tyranny nonetheless.

Sheri Piersol

From: Sharon Rudd
Subject: Re: unschooling moment

. To think I have been so worried
> and it is coming
> together. > ~Sheri
> The only thing I like about all those Dr. Laura's
> and Jerry Springer's of
> the world is that it is a living example of our
> freedoms. To quiet an
> oppossing (or just plain irritating) voice would
> ultimately be to quiet our
> own....
> Thanks Sheri.....unschooling moments help SO much.
Did you write the above ^ quote? It's pretty good.

Well....I wrote it but stole the basic phrase...hehe. I am unable to come up
with a direct quote or who said it, I'd need to go look it up, my memory
isn't what it used to be. lol Many have used the basic phrase, I am unsure
who said it first.
