Bridget E Coffman

> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 22:12:36 -0500
> From: "Johanna SanInocencio" <saninocencio@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: Flyswatters
> Suz,
> I also have "Fred Flinstone" feet and that is the first time I have
> heard someone else using the phrase outside of our family. By the way,
> do you find shoes? I have a real hard time finding shoes to fit my
feet. I
> love my moccasins. Lots of great ideas, but you are right about taking
> best and leaving the rest.
> Johanna
> Life is the ultimate learning experience!

Hi Johanna, Hi Suz,

When you say Fred Feet - do you mean no arch and wide? That is a pretty
accurate descitption of my younger daughter's feet. I have arches but
started getting bunions when I was 20. They are really odd shaped now.
The ball of my foot (just behind the toes) is nearly twice as wide as the
heal! Anyway, I found a pair of shoes that is wonderful. From the
minute I put them on, they felt great! The brand is Merrell and they are
called 'ladies moccasin' But they are not a moc in the traditional sense.
One other suggestion, if your feet are like Jenni's, don't be shy about
trying on men's shoes. They usually fit her feet better than the women's
shoes do.

Bridget - whose daughters bought matching MEN'S hiking boots last week.
It is way more scary that they bought matching shoes than that they
bought them in the men's department! They never do anything alike, ever!
The world is spinning in reverse now or something!

~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~
Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought

- Henri Bergson