Diana Asberry

Mary in Idaho: You're the author of this poem, right? If so, please email
me privately; I have a question for you...

Diana Asberry
"the world is our classroom"


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Nancy Bracewell" <cather@...>

Mary, did you realize you were writing poetry? Read it again! It IS poetry,
like life is poetry, too, and to be fully enjoyed!!

Bake something, make something, go somewhere, clean something, read
something-anything, take a nap-dream,
Look up a word-something absurd, have a big bowl of ice-cream.
Life is for learning, living, doing. How far will your imagination go?
Be, see, climb a tree.
Beyond texts there is so much to know.
Life is an education, a journey where anything goes.
And the only limits that slow you down are the ones that are self imposed.
Nancy or Brandy or Mildred, probably Nancy

Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre,
but they are more deadly in the long run. --- Mark Twain