Bridget E Coffman

> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:11:02 EDT
> From: staclarspr@...
> Subject: Re: Re: Have no idea what to call this e-mail
> include the girls, if old enough let them help.
> Don't cave into this, and not hold the babies, sounds like the
> little ones
> are having some jealousy issues.

Was this in reply to what I said about my girls and babies? It seems
like it judging by placement and header. If so, you misunderstood. Mine
aren't little (16 and 14) and they aren't jealous. They just aren't
giving me any grandchildren anytime soon. It has become a running joke
now. They know I am just counting the years until they start having
babies because I don't have any little ones of my own and I miss it.
That's why they just deadpan a 'no' every time I pick one up!
Surprisingly, Rachel seems to really like babies. It was sort of a
surprise to me because I was expecting her to be the one not to like them
and Jenni to drool over them.


~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~
Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought

- Henri Bergson

Bridget E Coffman

I know you only speak for you but what you said really made me look at
the whole exchange from a different viewpoint. I still think a lot of
the misunderstanding stems from the fact that we (general 'we') took such
drasticly different routes to the same place. I think I do just speak a
different language because of where I started. So in that way, some of
the misunderstanding is my responsibility and I am trying to make myself
clearer. Unfortunately, I think several people have stopped listening.


> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 08:48:57 -0700
> From: Elizabeth Hill <ecsamhill@...>
> Subject: Re: Statistically
> I should have put a disclaimer on my post that it represented my
> unravelling
> of my own thought process. Although it made sense to you, it may
> not
> actually be a valid explanation of any one else's thinking, other
> than my
> own.
> Best wishes,
> Betsy

~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~ ~\/~
Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought

- Henri Bergson

Julie Stauffer

I am so tired of being on edge. It seems the tension in our home has
mounted continually since the 11th. Dh is in the emergency services and
gets memos from the FBI saying look out for this, look out for that, our
intelligence suggests this......

The kids have descended into bickering in front of a television they aren't
even watching. I am squawking at everybody. The little kids are basically
out of control and I am having trouble getting a handle back on things

On top of this, my little guy has to go into the hospital for tests and my
oldest injured her wrist badly and is basically one-handed for awhile.

I feel better for venting. Maybe we will make some cookies, a cup of kava
kava for me, some milk for the kiddies. Maybe read a book or cuddle and
watch a movie. I already feel better and calmer. Funny how just typing out
things does that.


Sharon Rudd

Dearest Julie


Love and Prayers

What are "emergency sevices"?

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information

Joseph Fuerst

Let me **boot** you over to the Flylady's loving, yet FIRM approach to
getting off your Franny and doing what you need to do for your home and
> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 08:37:51 -0500
> From: Jessi <mistycal@...>
> Subject: Someone please,
> give me a kick in the butt to get me off of this computer and get me
> towards the housework and what else I have to get done today?
> I have been sitting on my butt now for 2 hours and nothing has gotten done
> around here :o)
> hehehehe
> Jessi