Becky Wollenslegel

Lisa said:
(the young woman never reads fiction.. only nonfiction)

I remember going through a phase like this myself - when my older kids were
little - I felt like I only had a limited amt of time for reading and so I
should (don't ya' love that word "should") be reading something worthwhile.
Before long I was either reading Parenting books or True Crime - and
enjoying the True Crimes way to much! I eventually decided to return to
fiction, because at least when I would read about serial killers I didn't
have to ponder that they were still out there somewhere waiting to be
paroled! (I still try to stay away from those books because I was really
becoming obsessed with the dark side of human nature.)

Does your daughter think in "shoulds" or does she just prefer real things?
Has she always preferred nofiction?

My boys prefer real things - they just never could get into raccoons wearing
vests or squirrels in shoes! (That is until older ds started reading
"Redwall".) The non-fiction-easy-reader-type materials have really improved
in the past 10 years.

Becky in Ohio