[email protected]

In a message dated 09/14/2001 12:53:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I have heard of many women who regretted putting their careers
> before their children, but never heard of a woman who was "just a mom"

Actually, there have been many studies where women were asked what they'd
regretted, and many have said having children. I think most of it comes from
not having choices. If you have no choice (or perceived choice) but to stay
home and raise children, that's very different than choosing to do so. I love
my life...and I'm glad it was a choice I had (and that I knew it was)


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Julie Stauffer

<<the household cleanliness shouldn't then fall on the shoulders of one

Perhaps I'm dense but I didn't read the post about the mopping as though the
wife was some sort of "free help".

I stay at home, dh works "outside the home". I used to be employed and much
prefer staying home. Dh used to stay home and much prefers working. I do
the vast majority of housework. Why? Because I'm the one in the vicinity
most of the time. Dh does most of the yard work. Why? Because he likes
having quiet time to think. Does dh ever do house work? Yes, probably at
least something daily. Do I ever do yard work. Yes, I like mowing the
grass and do it when I have time.



Julie Stauffer wrote:

<<the household cleanliness shouldn't then fall on the shoulders of one

>Perhaps I'm dense but I didn't read the post about the mopping as though the
>wife was some sort of "free help". >>

No, you're not dense at all. And I'm glad you didn't see me as "free help" in my own house. LOL!
I mop the floor because *I* do it best. The kids and DH have tried it. There are streaks and dirt left so I just have to go and finish the job anyway.

>I stay at home, dh works "outside the home". I used to be employed and much
>prefer staying home.

Me too. Right now I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing in my life. :-)

>I do the vast majority of housework. Why? Because I'm the one in the vicinity
>most of the time. Dh does most of the yard work. Why? Because he likes
>having quiet time to think. Does dh ever do house work? Yes, probably at
>least something daily. Do I ever do yard work. Yes, I like mowing the
>grass and do it when I have time.


Me too. I do most of the housework. I'm just home much more than DH is and there is a time factor involved. When he is home, he does help with the housework, too. No, he doesn't mop the floors! He sometimes does the dishes, cleans toilets, empties all the garbage (2 times a week), helps with laundry, picks up after himself, vacuums, etc. He also mows the lawn most of the time. I do it sometimes, not too often. I do most of the cooking, that's how it's always been, even before kids. If it were up to DH, we would be eating pre-packaged frozen food every night. Although, when I was recently sick as a dog, he made me a huge pot of vegetable soup, from scratch, just brimming with a variety of vegetables. It's just what I wanted. NOW THAT'S LOVE! The kids help out here and there spontaneously. They mostly help me out by picking up after themselves. This somehow works out to a smooth flowing balance of running a household. We all do what we can to help each other, while taking on our own responsibilities.


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