Wendy Silver

Sorry Bridget, not trying to pick on you but...the following is not
Sanda's fault. If someone is scared about posting, that is FEAR that is
stopping them. I don't think Sandra's intention is to belittle people, and I
don't think she or anyone should compromise her unschooling opinions.
Sorry, fearful person, do I know you?
And I know at leaast one person who said she won't post much of anything
here even when she has a question or comment because she fears she will
be 'eaten alive' by Sandra and those who went right after me.
I'm sure Sandra has helped lots of people. I'm also sure she has pushed
some away without even knowing it.


Julie Stauffer

<<completely against the founding ideas of this country>>

You may be right. Communism believes all are equal...not just white, male

May I direct you to the Progressive Labor Party (www.plp.org). The
organization works against racism, sexism, actually believes that being a
housewife and raising children is for the greater good, sees children as the
future of society, and that it should be seen as any other profession
working for the greater good of society.

Julie--who is not a member but has been doing some reading at the site.