[email protected]

In a message dated 09/11/2001 7:13:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I have trouble understanding why it's called Alternative, alternative to
> what? I think we each have our own individual lifestyles. I guess its' just
> my labels kick, I really dislike all these labels, but there seems to be no
> way to not have them, is there? sigh.

I think particularly in the homeschool "community" those of us who don't fit
into the Mommy-Daddy-Christian realm are often left out a bit. Sometimes in
not very nice ways. I think that's what she means by "alternative lifestyle."

I actully have more problems with the term "lifestyle." We unschool, I have a
job, I have a house that could use some straightening, etc, etc. I happen to
have a woman partner who supports us financially. Where's the lifestyle? I
have a life.

Kathryn, who doesn't own the right wardrobe to have a lifestyle

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