[email protected]

In a message dated 09/10/2001 2:38:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> Same as Mr. Rogers. That show has been reviled unfairly by lots of people
> who said he talks too slow, he babies people. Well fine--if it's too slow
> and babyish for a person, THAT person shouldn't watch it, but to tell
> others
> that they'd be stupid if they watched it seems to me to be the same kind of
> pressure kids get from other kids at school about doing what's cool, having
> a
> cool notebook, a cool lunch box, brand-name shoes, listening ONLY to the
> music their friends deign to approve.

I love Mister Rogers. I find his way of talking to kids respectful and
kind--it's very clear he really loves kids.

I would never tell a kid who loved Teletubbies it was stupid. And I actually
kind of enjoy Pokemon...but mostly because of Jessie and James. Now, THEY are
cool. But Ash is SUCH a whiner. And I'm afraid Brock has a constipation

I took Julian to the first Pokemon movie when it came out. The short before
the main movie mostly involved Pokemon repeating their names over and over,
with occasional musical interludes with colors behind Pokemon. (A friend
described it as Pikachu on acid.) I kept thinking, "If this whole thing is
like this my brain is going to explode!" Luckily, it wasn't, and it didn't. I
kind of liked the second one. We never got around to the third.

Kathryn, babbling once again

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