

Wow! You have a lot to say. I appreciate your energy. I understand
you feel you were slammed in the beginning. You have made that
abundantly clear. I think it is fair to say that you no longer care if
you are considered an unschooler by this list, you felt rebuffed in the
beginning, you feel that a person coming here for support might get
scared away, and a few other things. While I respect your need to be
understood regarding these points, I am humbly requesting that you
refrain from defending these key subjects ad nauseum. I'm pretty sure we
all understand.

It seems that anyone who posts any kind of message straying from your
agenda, you immediately bring your subjects back to the focus. For
example, instead of supporting the Eureka post at all, you took a
defensive stance, and when someone else posted a concern (Sparrow, I
think), you immediately shifted the focus back to you. This seems to be
a trend. I would almost call it narcissism, but that might be a little

I hope this isn't offensive. I was hoping these posts would kind of
blow over. I would never want anyone to quit posting their opinions,
but I'm hoping you find a way to post new information rather that
reiterating the same point over and over.

In peace,

Sarah Anderson-Thimmes

Bridget E Coffman wrote:

> You know, you might want to take your own advice just a little. I
> stopped being defensive sometime early Sunday. I really don't care
> what
> you want to call my system of running my household. What I do care
> about
> is that if I had been someone truly in need of advice or a place to
> feel
> comfortable, this would not have been it. I would have cut and run
> after
> my TV post got blasted as being dishonest with my kids.

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