
Bill Wetzel, founder of Power to the Youth (www.youthpower.net) has created
a resource and networking center called Students Against Testing (SAT!).
The website is www.NoMoreTests.com, and includes an enormous and thorough
collection of research and information regarding standardized testing and
the growing mass of people throughout the country who are opposed to the
recent push for more testing. You will find quotes, research articles,
speeches by Paul Wellstone, Jonathan Kozol, Alfie Kohn, and a great deal
Featured on the website is a protest against the tests that will be held in
Palisades, NY. All are welcome to attend, and Bill Wetzel can send out
information packets to those people, groups, or schools who would like to
attend. Here is a short description from the site:
"On October 9th, Students Against Testing will be joining hands with
activists all around the Northeast to make our voices known at the 2001
National Education Summit in Palisades, NY. The summit is an exclusive,
invitation-only meeting attended by presidents, governors, business
executives, state superintendents, and media -- with no principals or
teachers invited. The single focus of the gathering is to expand
'standards-based education' as widely and quickly as possible -- which
translates into more time and energy focused on
standardized testing and less on real learning in classrooms across the
nation. Standardized testing has, time and again, proven to be an
ineffective and mind-numbing way of 'educating' today's youth."
For more information, email billw@...