[email protected]

I just want to say that I read _Patchwork of Days_ and I laughed out loud at that "goat milking christians" post because it truly is what most of that book focuses on. I laughed because that's the exact stereotype of a homeschooler!

I did enjoy the book...mostly because I'm insanely nosy about other peoples' lives.

BTW - not that there's anything wrong with being a goat-milking Christian...it's just that's what everyone assumes *I* am when I say I homeschool/unschool...and it couldn't be further from my reality! If you want payback, you can call me an irreligious alfalfa muncher!


[email protected]

<< I just want to say that I read _Patchwork of Days_ and I laughed out loud
at that "goat milking christians" post because it truly is what most of that
book focuses on. >>

Thank you for the corroboration.
I really didn't want people to think I was being tacky out of nowhere.

<<I did enjoy the book...mostly because I'm insanely nosy about other
peoples' lives.>>

The instructions that went with that were to choose a day in advance and then
document it, which I did with all honesty.

It wasn't "the best" day of the season, and it wasn't an amalgamation of good
parts. I candidly picked and told a day, and there it is forever more.
Sigh... <g>

There's a follow-up volume now, called _Homeschool Open House_.

It's not my favorite kind of book, personally. I recommend it to people who
don't believe there really are very structured families, and I recommend it
to those who want to read everything that had been published on
homeschooling, but it's not a great source for someone who knows unschooling
is the goal and wants to read two or three books to fortify their resolve.




Elizabeth Hill

**The instructions that went with that were to choose a day in advance and then
document it, which I did with all honesty.

It wasn't "the best" day of the season, and it wasn't an amalgamation of good
parts. I candidly picked and told a day, and there it is forever more.
Sigh... <g>**

Sandra --

When I read it, I definitely appreciated your honesty. I don't want to accuse
anyone else of dishonesty, BUT it did strike me that the nearly all of the rest
of the days in the book were markedly above average. It seems likely that not
all of those days were selected at random and left to run their course utterly
unselfconsiously. They can't all live in Lake Wobegon, can they?
