Becky Wollenslegel

You said:
From: Joel Hawthorne <jhawthorne@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Carol from WI with lots of kids and lots of chores

Check out Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kahn or Kuhn i think.
Got it! and his book about competition..

Went to a talk he gave once - he's cool - but dosen't like homeschooling -
at least he didn't then.

Some yada, yada stuff about improving the schools for everyone instead of
taking your ball and going home. Couldn't get that even GOOD schools are
still schools.

later - Becky in Ohio

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/31/99 5:58:17 PM, beckycraigw12@... writes:

<<You said:
From: Joel Hawthorne <jhawthorne@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Carol from WI with lots of kids and lots of chores

Check out Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kahn or Kuhn i think.
Got it! and his book about competition..

Went to a talk he gave once - he's cool - but doesn't like homeschooling -
at least he didn't then.

I hear that his new book is titled _The Schools Our Children Deserve_. I
don't have a copy yet, but it would be interesting to write a review that
shows how well homeschools provide what our children deserve, even going
point by point down whatever list he provides.
