Tracy Oldfield

Sandra, I have to disagree here. The point, for me, about HE is choice.
The choice whether to go to college, or train as an apprentice, or do
nothing, or get pregnant at sixteen (I hope not, but it's a choice!) Some
people's God-given gifts will not serve them in coolege. Mine would have,
but I chose not to go.

The world would be a better place without the pursuit of money, but that's
how it is. The world would be a better place without forcing people into
boxes that don't fit them. The world would be a better place if people knew
what they were, and stopped trying to be what they aren't. That's my
soapbox time over, I'll hand over to someone else!


> I strongly feel that all of the debate over homeschooling in the
> and secondary years is so misguided; we should all really be working for
> universal higher education. The world would be a vastly different place
> everyone could go to college/grad school and study and do what they want
> do, and contribute their God-given gifts towards a better world.
> Sandra Brown
> Ann Arbor, MI