Tracy Oldfield

Carol, I am with you here! It's exactly this with my eldest, but I let it
go with the younger one?! :-( Ah, well, the more I know myself, the easier
I'll be on them! Oh, and I cringe when dh talks to the kids how I don't
want to, nut sometimes do!


> I don't think this is strange at all, based on your comments about your
> hubby. I find that the traits that I most dislike about myself are the
> that make me cringe the most when I see them displayed in my children.
> are also the traits that I will fight to the death, usually unreasonably,
> make sure they don't pick up. Unfortunately, I think that often the
harder I
> push my children not to do something the same way I perceive is wrong, the
> more likely they are to pick up that very trait! Hope this makes sense!
> Carol B.


Thanks Karen, I will give it a try.

> Andi, and others, when this happens (and I think it happens to every parent!!), I change the plans!!� This is my FAVORITE part of homeschooling.� Sometimes, the boys just aren't going to do what I have in mind....usually, for my family, this is a sign they need some physical it is out the door we go for a bike ride, walk or rollar blading.� If it is raining, we will put on the dancin' music and get silly together.
> This drives my dh nuts.� When he makes 'plans' he wants to stick to them.� For some things, we have to stick to the plan (like a scheduled outing or party or some such thing).� But if it is a day that we were going to actually be home...I prefer to be flexible.� Sometimes I don't feel like doing certain things...and when I force myself, I am miserable.� I try not to do this to the kids ('cuz then they make ME miserable!!� *G*)
> ~~Karen
> ***********************************

I am relieved to hear that their are other night owls out there!� Our dd has always prefered late nights to early mornings, I'm the same way!� Dh is not thrilled though.

> << Some of our best "stuff" happens
> �>late at night - just the way we are!� >>
> My 11 yo son is a night owl, and he gets in some of his most talkative,
> thoughtful moods after 11 pm.� OTOH, my 7 mo son gets up between 6:30 and 7
> am - so I don't always have energy for the 11 pm discussions.� I try though
> <wan grin>.
> Laura

I too would miss some of the late night times we have had!

> Sounds like you only get a few hours sleep at night! My 6yo goes to bed no
> earlier than 9:45 most nights. His best and most productive "schoolish"
> hours (reading, talking, puzzle books) are between 8 and 10 P.M.� But at
> least he sleeps past 8 most mornings. He established this pattern early as
> a baby and hasn't changed. We couldn't keep up this schedule if we were
> going to public school, and we'd miss so many special talks at night.
> Olivia
