[email protected]

In a message dated 8/31/01 1:21:34 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

My brother-in-law fell down at the state fair a couple of days ago and broke
his nose, requiring eight stiches. He has bruises and lacerations all over
his face. Everyone in the family knows he was drunk, but his wife (also a
drunk) neglected to mention that fact when she called to say why they
wouldn't be attending a family birthday party. They both, the sil especially,
are capable of drinking enormous amounts and not appearing to be intoxicated.
I'm tired of the charade and of the powerlessness the rest of us feel about
their situation. Sigh. >>

We had several calls over the course of my childhood from my father about
how he fell asleep driving and had an accident. I figured it out by the time
I was 12 or so and had to drive to bars to pick my father up. Luckily living
w/ my mother in another state and learning to drive b/c we lived on a farm I
was able to do this on my yearly visits. Lovely.

NICKI~ the late night love you and miss you calls were a bonus.