Karen Hoogland

Thanks for your comments! You said:

<<<Gee, Karen, have you forgotten where most children come from? Rather, WHY most children come? It is a mistake, an error, an accident. Most children are not planned, and something in me says we push each other around something awful. Darned if we do and darned if we dont. Lots of people do not want children. Abortion, though legal, is frowned upon. Responsibility is out of fashion. So ------- babies are born! We who love our children and we who LIKE our children, even we who VALUE our children are not necessarily the majority. But we ARE the lucky ones, the blessed ones. We can certainly celebrate THAT, cant we?>>>

Of course I know that many children are not planned. I specifically said I would NEVER have had kids if I KNEW I was going to place them into someone else's hands five days a week,10-12 hours a day. And it is the people who INTENTIONALLY plan a baby KNOWING they will go to daycare that I do not understand. I cannot fathom WHY people such as those have kids. I was NOT referring to people who have unplanned pregnancies....or those whose circumstances change.

I think many couples where both parents work are too caught up in the 'things' they want...we all NEED much less than we think. I really do not see how I could have a highpower, high paying career and also be a full time mother. There are not enough hours in the day to do both well. I do not feel as if my family 'sacrifices' anything by having one income. I personally feel too many families sacrifice MORE by having both parents at work all the time. It is too bad that our fast paced American society does not value the parents who are home taking care of their children.

Off my soapbox now...


Karen & David Hoogland �
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Updated 8/9/99
If a man was to go so far into a forest that a woman could
not hear him speak, would he still be wrong?
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