Karen Hoogland

Andi asked:
<<One question to you and everyone else, how do you cope with frustration when your child wants to do everything opposite of what you are trying to accomplish for the day? >>

Andi, and others, when this happens (and I think it happens to every parent!!), I change the plans!! This is my FAVORITE part of homeschooling. Sometimes, the boys just aren't going to do what I have in mind....usually, for my family, this is a sign they need some physical activity....so it is out the door we go for a bike ride, walk or rollar blading. If it is raining, we will put on the dancin' music and get silly together.

This drives my dh nuts. When he makes 'plans' he wants to stick to them. For some things, we have to stick to the plan (like a scheduled outing or party or some such thing). But if it is a day that we were going to actually be home...I prefer to be flexible. Sometimes I don't feel like doing certain things...and when I force myself, I am miserable. I try not to do this to the kids ('cuz then they make ME miserable!! *G*)

Karen & David Hoogland �
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Updated 8/9/99
If a man was to go so far into a forest that a woman could
not hear him speak, would he still be wrong?
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