amy mathews

Perhaps she should give her dh a year to "prove" that ps would be better.
Mary Ellen

Good point !
I would suggest having homeschooling books/magazines around (there are many
available at the library)
maybe he would pick one up and learn something
also the book:
The whole parenting guide by Alan Reder, Phil Catalfo and Stephaninie
Renfrow Hamilton

is a great book with inspiring stories that show the ways our children have
been learning
her husband can see that the children have already been taught to talk,
walk, eat ect..
and that teaching our children doesn't end when they turn the "magic" five

My husband was the one that really preferred that I/we keep our children at
home and brought up that very opinion each day after I came home with our
oldest (in public kindergarten at the time w/ a great first year teacher)
witch was really a "how can other parents not care about their children day"


for more information about
or find newbie classes around the community of homeschool group
if wants it to be "proved" to him he can at the very least be part of the
investigation period.
even attending one class where his fears can be addressed can make all the
difference and just as the 2 made the children together, raise the children
together they can choose education together with out any "POOF" needed
best of luck