[email protected]

Ok, all of my unschooling friends,
most of you responded to the negativity of
advertisments, and the ideals of going back to school etc.
in my just thinking post.

I do daycare in my home, and its very apparent that "the be off with
you" stage can start as early as infants.
Some parents are bound and determined that the child will be at my
daycare no matter if the child is ill etc. and they will be to work.
Thank God ,for helping me to write a good contract that backs me up.

The advertising, I feel is supporting this attitude, and what messages exactly
are our children learning? Wow, this may come back on the parents someday.
Just ask my ex.

Reminds me of the song: Cats in the Cradle.

Kids do "get a life", and than they aren't on your apron strings, in fact,
pending on how they have been rasied (pushed out the door, ignored) they don't
need you anymore, but please remember with these children money is always
welcome and accepted.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

jefferson academy

It really does amaze me how many people I know (who
wouldn't need the money if not for the 3 or 4
vacations a year (without the kids!), the house with a
3 room master bedroom suite, etc.) who put their
children in daycare 10 hours a day starting at 6 weeks
old. My neighbor has a 2yo grandson my 2yo loves to
play with, but she doesn't get much chance because
he's in daycare 10 hours a day M-F. I heard his
mother and grandmother in their pool the other day and
yelled over to ask if Elysian & Jay could play (here
or there) and they said he wasn't there, his mother
wanted a day off to go swimming so she had dropped him
at day care! Didn't it occur to them that maybe Jay
would have wanted a day to swim rather than spend
another 10 hour day in a daycare - and didn't she miss

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