[email protected]

In a message dated 08/24/2001 10:02:13 PM !!!First Boot!!!, jefhdvm@...

> Of course, my family is kind of iffy on homeschooling (and
> unschooling doesn't even compute with them) and I'm getting flak
> because her writing is atrocious. (She sends them thank you notes,
> etc). I'm not pushing her, either. She is very intellingent and can
> speak well, has a great vocabulary and use of language, so I'm not
> too concerned at this age yet. <g>

S***w them! They should be kissing her little cheek that she bothers to send
a thank you note!



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sharon Rudd

Yes indeed.......Many of my adult relatives could take
lessons in appropriate social intercourse from a child
that writes thank you notes!
> S***w them! They should be kissing her little cheek
> that she bothers to send
> a thank you note!>
> Harumph.>
> Nance

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