Joseph Fuerst

This digest has been great the past few days!! I wish I had time to get more
into the discussions...
Just to toss out my experience with 'back -to-school'...Let's see....last
evening my youngsters and I played outside after dinner until dark (as we
love to do in the good 'ol summertime!) All the neighbors glumly had to go
in by 7:45 or 8 to get ready for the early rising. I was sad for them and
their missing out on the nicest 'playing out' weather.
I have noticed, like someone else, the 'school kids' hang out here more
just prior to school starting .... 'cause their parents are SO busy getting
things ready, they don't have time for being with the kids. I also have
noticed the school kids stress levels....during the 1st few weeks of school
as they adjust to that treacherous early schedule and during the last few
weeks of school, when they're about bursting to get OUT of that cycle of
school! These are the times when I find my patience with them being tried
One amusing anecdote...a family on our street inevitably comes to the end
of school vacation and hasn't provided all the 'experiences' they'd promised
their kids at the beginning - so they try to cram it all in! The day before
school started they a) went to the Children' Museum with us for 2-1/2 hrs
(we stayed...they had to go), b)went to Fantasy Frontier to drive little
cars c) went to laser tag, d) went bowling and e) had a marshmallow roast as
a goodbye to summer ROTFL!! Of course, they had to finish all this by
8p.m. so they could go bathe and get their school 'stuff' ready!
At dinner tonight my 6yog said Courtney wanted her to go to school with
her. I asked if she meant to dd said she thought so....she said
Courtney wanted her to see the place they get to play every day. DD thought
it was great that they got to play at school. Older dd explained that they
do get to play at school...BUT it's only about 15 minutes after lunch ...not
much in a 7 hour day! We discussed the other limitations...always the same
playground....always crowded, etc. DD decided her life is much better the
way it is!!