[email protected]

In a message dated 8/15/01 6:13:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I had read in one of the Bradley Method books that hemmorhoids are basically
> unheard of in countries that squat instead of using a toilet like ours.
> There was reference to an Indian doctor who would perch up on the toilet to
> squat.
My daughter, for months, experienced severe burning after using the potty. We
had several cultures done, yeast tests, etc., and NOTHING showed up. It was
Finally we were referred to Children's Hospital in Philly. She's fine today,
because of the advice they gave us. They said that her labia tended to stick
together, and the pH of the urine was burning her skin. The remedy? Face the
toilet and go to the bathroom. Can you believe it? All those tests, and
needing to go to CHOPs to see a specialist, and they say turn around and face
the toilet the other way...

~2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root. ~

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>>>>They said that her labia tended to stick
together, and the pH of the urine was burning her skin. The remedy? Face the
toilet and go to the bathroom. Can you believe it? All those tests, and
needing to go to CHOPs to see a specialist, and they say turn around and face
the toilet the other way...

could you expand on that a bit is it because of leg spread facing that direction? just curious as we just took my 13 yo to the doctor again thinking she had a bladder infection and nothing showed up in the tests!
this happens frequently and the only thing that seems to help is taking cranberry pills altho this may be just coincidence!

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