Nanci Kuykendall

> Subject: Re: sensitive kids
> That extra sensitivity to > anything, and he just
needs guidance on how to> ground himself and come back
> > after something sets him off, and hopefully he'll
> learn as he grows to> > control himself better. Now
I just hold him a> lot, as he screams and kicks,
> > until the wave wears out and he is finally calm
> and thankful I was there to
> >
She's six now, and I still have to keep a> close eye
to know when > she's overloaded. She's never been
diagnosed with> anything, and I prefer it > that way,
but my suspicions are that she has Sensory Integration
Disorder. ......> And it isn't just the bad
stuff--even the good> stuff--she's either flying >
high or sinking low. Has difficulty staying on an>
even keel--very different > from my 2 year old.
> Renee

This is my four and a half year old to a T. Thomas is
hyperactive, hypersensative and we suspect SID, among
other things. However, he has not been diagnosed with
anything in any way other than through my own
research. We do know that he has asthma and multiple
allergy problems, including eggs, dairy, additives and
preservatives, nuts and other things. I sometimes
wonder how much of his behavioral issues might be
related to undiagnosed allergies we have yet to
discover and we are looking into getting him some
comprehensive allergy testing once we get settled into
the Tri Cities.

I too have to hold him a lot when he gets really
worked up, talk to him softly and explain over and
over what is and is not appropriate behavior. I also
try to make him aware of the consequences of his
behavior. Last month he nearly chopped off the end of
his baby brother's pinky finger (needing stitches)
while rough-housing with the shower door and refusing
to mind when asked repeatedly to stop. I made a point
of making it VERY clear to him that he was responsible
for his brother's injury, so that he understood the
results of his actions.

He also does not adjust well to changes in his
routine, and his behavior has been exhausting and
trying the last week, as we are in the middle of
moving and are staying with my brother and his family
(incluing Thomas' favorite hyper/sensative mirror
image girl cousin who is 2 months younger than him.)
The two of them are quite a handfull, even without all
the other kids. Since I am here alone and my husband
is still closing up the house and taking care of his
job transfer in Idaho, I am really tired, to put it

Nanci K.

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In a message dated 8/13/01 3:19:08 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< My daughter has always been very intense like this. Her daily "tantrums"
would last an hour or more, with her hypervenilating and sobbing "I can't
stop, help me stop." They often occured several times a day. Oh, how
stressful! She's six now, and I still have to keep a close eye to know when
she's overloaded. She's never been diagnosed with anything, and I prefer it
that way, but my suspicions are that she has Sensory Integration Disorder.
We've removed dyes, etc., added cherry plum bach flower essences, etc., and
they all helped, but didn't stop them. We've practiced breathing techniques
and everything.
And it isn't just the bad stuff--even the good stuff--she's either flying
high or sinking low. Has difficulty staying on an even keel--very different
from my 2 year old.
Renee >>

This is my dd. We removed dyes from her diet too. We also limit sugar but
not too much b/c then it becomes something to sneak. What does the cherry
plum bach flower do for your dd. I use rescue remedy for somehtings. I also
tried Calm Child,no difference. I also tried childrens Valerian for
bedtime(big troubles calming down to go to sleep) never worked. I would like
her to take liquid Cal/Mag but the battle could be worse than the benefits.

She will start w/ I can't stop moving,I can't fall asleep, then she gets
upset and her nose stuffs up and watch out your in for a ride. If you tell
her to take it easy or settle down she skyrockets ever more,this happens w/ a
simple fit during the day too. Last night I went around closing windows and
doors b/c she was fitting over something. I rode it out and she was fine in a
bit. The other night dh came home form walking the dog and heard her starting
w/ the nose thing,he silently walked back out and walked her some more. It
makes us tense too. Tough call as to soothe and calm or shut up and ride it
out. Sometimes soothing makes it worse in her case.