[email protected]

In a message dated 8/10/01 4:57:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I know a little about these CDC folks... these aren't people who went into
> medicine to make a profit. The researchers and statisticians who join the
> CDC are passionate about solving the world's diseases. While some of these
> folks might be described as bleeding heart liberals, at least they have
> hearts.

And those hearts are often controlled by politics, unfortunately. Their
history shows (most significantly in the work of AIDs) that they at times
have little say over what is given priority, and politics plays a strong hand
in that. I certainly would never trash CDC completely. I believe their work
is invaluable, but temper it with the knowledge that they are just people.
Much the same way I feel about the FBI and other governmental bueracracies.

> Regarding the homeopathic approach of giving a child camomilla??? I agree
> with your warning about following that plan... Camomilla is one of the
> strongest and most commonly known carcinogens.
Hadn't heard that one. Where did you get that information? Let's not forget
that many things are carcinogenic used inappropiately or incorrectly,
including the petrol derivative that aspirin is made from, and ordinary black
Anyone that would give that

> in any substantive dose to a child is misinformed!

Actually, my problem was with the bovine colustrum, as I am a vegetarian.
You don't seem to be familiar with the principle of homeopathy. Firstly,
chamomilla is the botanical name for Chamomile. Secondly, the principles of
homeopathy are such that one never receives a substantial dose of ANYTHING.
From Dana Ulman, MPH, Homeopathy, A-Z:
Homeopathic medicines are made from various plants, minerals, animals, or
chemical. Ultimately, every substance on the planet is a potential medicine,
and that's because every substance on the planet is also potentially toxic.
The way that homeopaths reduce the potential for toxicity and actually
increase the potential for healing is through a specific pharmaceutical
process that is unique to homepathy call potentization. Potentization refers
to a process of sequential dilution with vigorous shaking in between each
More specifically, the tincture of a plant may be diluted in double distilled
water (usually in a 1:10 or 1:100 dilution). This mixture is vigorously
shaken then diluted again 1:10 or 1:100. This process is diluted 3, 6, 12,
30, 200, 1000, 10,000, 50,000 or more times.
When a substance is diluted 1:10 six times it is called "6X" potency. When a
substance is diluted 1:100 six times, it is called a 6C potency.


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