Tracy Oldfield

> I understand that the demands from young children are much greater and
> wearing. However, it is just when they are emerging from this stage when
> most people send them to school. For those of us that find toddlerhood so
> challenging those early school years are so much fun - if you let them be.
> Jill
Jill, I am so glad to hear you say that! My eldest is just emerging from
'toddlerhood' (and being fairly tricky with it, but I think that's
because...) her sister is 2&1/2 and EXTREMELY demanding atm. Oh, and while
I'm here, Michelle, you sound like a wonderful mother and I hope Stirling
realises that in later years! If I had half your patience/dedication/energy
I think I'd be doing very well! So to find someone categorically saying
that they find life with toddlers wearing, and that it gets more fun is a
real boost to me! Thanks!!!

Tracy in UK (who will probably remain a lurker for a while longer...)

Michele Moss

> From: "Tracy Oldfield" <>
> Jill, I am so glad to hear you say that! My eldest is just emerging
> from 'toddlerhood' (and being fairly tricky with it, but I think
> that's because...) her sister is 2&1/2 and EXTREMELY demanding atm.
> Oh, and while I'm here, Michelle, you sound like a wonderful mother
> and I hope Stirling realises that in later years! If I had half
> your patience/dedication/energy I think I'd be doing very well!

oh thanks Tracy! <blush> not sure what exactly you read that stood
out but believe me, some days i am very lacking in all 3 of the above
mentioned compliments. although Sterling is a handful for sure, i
can't figure out how parents do it with several children, children
with disabilities, or as a single parent. I have a lot of respect
for any parent - it's not an easy job no matter how you slice it. i
say "job" because no matter how much one enjoys it and savors every
wonderful moment, it still involves a lot of work and responsibility
to attain that level of enjoyment.

and don't be so hard on yourself! i'm sure you are doing a lot
better than you give yourself credit for!

> to find someone categorically saying that they find life with
> toddlers wearing, and that it gets more fun is a real boost to me!
> Thanks!!!
i have to agree with Jill. although some of their toddler
frustrations are replaced by others as they get older, they do become
more fun. i think maybe this happens right about the time they start
becoming a little "person" and discovering their "self" and having
their own identity. It becomes more fun when they can communicate
and start asking lots of questions too. although along with the
communication skills, come the tools to learn how to be sassy!
so no... nothing's perfect! <G>

> Tracy in UK (who will probably remain a lurker for a while
> longer...)

Michele Moss
Mom of Sterling Tyler age 3 yrs old
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