rick and deborah farrington

its so cool to be on this list and read to 'boards'. the homeschool
community is so diverse and there are people from all different
backgrounds doing what they think is best for thier kids. its so cool!
and so refreshing and encouraging to me. i thought i was odd because i
didn't fit the homeschool mold where family was perfect and all. you all
know what i mean i'm sure. i also see alot of bad attitudes from the
different homeschoolers that have a different teaching/hsing style,
which bothers me. though i've been known to throw a few stones myself.
its easy to raise the hackles when someone is attacking your way of
doing things. well thats the sinful world we live in i guess but i wish
we could be less judgemental! myself included! thankyou --Deborah
in Idaho (also)