Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

>I just think this is an ongoing thread that crops up from time to time that
>divides women. We are often the ones dealing with the kid-related issues
>to say that there is only one right way is unnecessary and
>to me.
>Good luck to you and yours.

I TOTALLY agree! My religious beliefs include respecting the decisions and
differences of others and not thinking that I have a monopoly on truth or
the "one right way" to do anything. This includes lifestyle choices like
family dynamics. When we start to say it "should be this way" or "that is
the wrong way" we have to examine our reasons for thinking this. We are
pointing fingers here and we had better have a damned good reason for doing
it. Are these opinions purely motivated by a respect for others and a
desire to aid and encourage them along a life path that makes them happy
and brings them fulfillment? Or are we passing judgements on others based
on the idea that we know "the truth?"

Nanci K. in Idaho