
Hi all,
I am relatively new to the list and to homeschooling.� First things, first.� I'm Andi in Georgia, SAHM to one 5 1/2 girl, married for 14 years.� I like the term of unschooling because I believe a person can be taught without being "in a school".� After all what is on the job training?

> OK, for all of you musical geniuses out there, I hanve always wanted to
> play the flute, piano and folk guitar.� It will probaby have to wait a bit,
> as I have a LOT going on right now, but when I get ready where should I
> start?� Should I get lessons, get books or just get instruments and start
> playing?� What do you (already-been-there-done-that-folks) think?
> Nanci K. in Idaho
> �

I know that it may not be a popular stance today, but why are people having children if they are trying to unload them?� Don't get me wrong I am very liberal and I believe in choices, but I see too many children suffer at parents selfish ways.� I think it is wonderful that parents today have choices in how to educate and raise their kids.� I understand that many parents can not and do not want the responsibility of educating their kids full time-I hope these parents realize they are still educating their kids when they are at home.� The excuse that the parent has to work is not a legitimate one-I know people who do have to support the family and still homeschool.� Sorry, just my 2 cents!

> << Eventually, it came down to what I think is the real reason for my SIL -
> she
> �feels like she would be giving up her life and she doesn't want to do that.
> >>
> I wonder what makes that a consideration for some? I always felt that my life
> WAS a mother. I've had a similar discussion with my sis-in-laws and it
> shocked me that some people feel it's their right to be able to "unload"
> their children on the schools. I truly hope that I will instill in my
> children a sense of duty when it comes to family and move away from the
> selfishness that seems so prevalent today (even if it is disguised as
> financial need. You know," I need to send the kids to school so I can work").
> Blessings. Lori in TX
> �

I agree and just to restate, I am speaking of parents who are "unloading" the kids on someone else.� Not the countless parents who are providing the best home and care environment for their kids regardless of stay at home status or not.� I do applaud those parents who work outside the home and still manage to give parenting their all--I do not know how they manage it, but they do every single day:)

> As much as I love being a SAHM, I would not force it on anyone else and don't
> like seeing it used as a wedge between mothers who are all probably just
> trying to do their best -- as they perceive it and as they are able.� I'm not
> trying to attack you personally Lori, or anyone else who agrees with you, I
> just think it is unnecessary to perpetuate this divisive issue between
> mothers.
> Nance
> �

Enough of my rambling and thoughts.� Have a great day and smile.