Jeanmarie Shingleton

Thanks for all the great responses. What I forgot to mention - and don't
ask me why - is that we're not the first in this family to homeschool. My
other SIL (this woman's sister) has homeschooled all of her 9 children, with
the oldest 24 now... but she used a curriculum and lives in another part of
the state. Not someone everyone sees on a regular basis.. and she started
out this way, didn't pull the kids from school like I did... maybe this
makes me different - I don't know.

What the family doesn't know is our real reason for pulling him - not all of
it academically related. Most of it being a very, very bad experience with
other school kids his last year in school. We don't feel this is any of
their business and intend to keep it that way.

>It's one of those cases where you have to decide how
>much info the person can deal with, you know? What
>they really want to know, what exactly they're

I'm sorry, I'm rambling.... I guess I'm thinking about this... How much
does she really want to know.. or, as I'm tending to think, is she just
being nosy?? Really hard to tell with this woman.. she tends to be the
gossipy type and since she's the one relative I see regularly she may have
been given the .... assignment? ... by the others to find out all she could.
Yes, I am paranoid - can't help it.

>but I suppose it's a bit like the breastfeeding counselling info I've
>recently been reading back over, if you empathise and try to pick the bits
>out of her questions, you might find she's actually wanting to know
>something she hasn't really said in the first place...

Boy! You'd think after 11+ years of doing that I'd remember those tricks
wouldn't you... guess after 7 years off you tend to forget... I'll try this
next time - if I keep my calm!

>Tracy wrote:
>I'm making a bad job of cutting a long story short, if you want to know
>what I mean I can chat if you like :-) Brain on melt-down due to beer
>atm... need more food...

I'd like that - e-mail or AIM?? I think I'm feeling a bit alone...

>>Anyway, I know what i wish I'd said after the event!!

It's that hindsight thing, isn't it??

unschooling in Utah
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Tracy Oldfield

I'd like that - e-mail or AIM?? I think I'm feeling a
bit alone...

I know how that is! either's fine, trogette on AIM,
40713651 on ICQ or tracy.oldfield@... :-) but
not right now cos I'm going to bed soon...
