Dennis/Laurie Brown

First off, I want to assure you that I'm not intentionally being obtuse
here. I really do not understand what you are trying to say.

I don't know that it makes any difference, but as frame of reference, I was
born in Idaho and spent my early years there. I have extensive family still
living in all parts of Idaho, so I think I'm fairly conversant with the
attitudes of the general population in that area. I was raised around guns,
have a healthy respect for them and know personally how to use them.

So...what I understand you to be saying is that somehow these children are
not likely to be afraid of police presence and attempts to remove them from
their home after their father has very recently died, their mother is
arrested (based on personal experience, I can assume they have not had
contact with her since her arrest) because their upbringing has prepared
them for this? That because they've been taught to be self reliant and
responsible for themselves they are somehow not affected by what has been
happening in their family and home?

I agree that the local police/sheriff's department appears to have shown
enough restraint to not force the issue at gunpoint. That was a pretty good
move on their part. Still, I don't see how these children can possibly have
been anything less than terrified.

I really hope I'm misunderstanding this. I do not understand how any child
in this situation could be anything less than terrified. I think their
actions demonstrate their fear.

Puzzled and trying to understand,

----- Original Message -----

(Eiraul says):
> << I don't have enough first hand information about this case to really
> whether the officials' actions were justified or not. But I do have
> first hand experience to know this will be a traumatic experience for
> children.

(Nicki responds):
> I would first like to say I am sorry you had such troubled times as a
> child. I can also understand what you are saying about the police
> and how it impressed you and still does. When dh was a teen he had a party
> and the police busted it and came in w/ weapons drawn. How ludicrous for
> busting a teen beer party. They can really go over the top.
> But this dept. was very careful from what I read b/c they didn't want
> another Randy Weaver fiasco. This is Idaho and we have had our share of
> stuff.
> I don't know many more details and I am glad they backed off.
> Also I know a few families like this in reguard to training kids in
> weaponry. They are firm believers in anti gov't. and so on. These kids
> probably weren't as "scared" as you think. Some of these families imagine
> this scenario and are prepared for it. I personally know people who
> these things. It is pretty scary to listen to IMO.