The Mowery Family

>>>From: Molly Mahnke <elmamahnke@...>
Subject: Re: Santa Claus

Our family has never done the Santa Scene. Our oldest is 13 years old. We do have
a book that tells about the life of the real Saint Nicholas. We tell them the real
Saint Nicholas was a very kind man and gave gifts to the children. We also tell
them that we give gifts just as the Wise Men gave gifts to the baby Jesus. Most
important, you have to remind your kids not to tell other children that Santa Claus
isn't real because some families do talk about him coming down the chimney. And
that's we we've always done.

Very similar here Molly. Santa and St. Nicholas were men that were kind to children that were less fortunate. We visit Santa at the mall, and do give a couple of "Santa" presents, we also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6th in a way of honoring my German heritage and family tradition. When I was little, we also celebrated "Little Christmas" on January 6th - not in any special way, but we always kept the tree up until then. I have told her that we are "Santa's helpers" along with the Bunny's and that mom and dad are the tooth fairy. Dana chooses to believe that there is a tooth fairy and that she has forbidden us to come into her room when she finally loses her first tooth (and her first is WAY loose now, at 5!!). We don't lie to Dana, but she wants some of the "magic", I am gonna give that to her.

Please, no flaming =)

Karen Mowery

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