Becky Wollenslegel

Interesting that this should come up now - I just yesterday remembered to
ask Cody if he would like to go to school this year - I want to be sure he
knows he has that choice. He looked at me like he thought I'd lost my mind!

Phew - safe for another year.

Sure there are "good" schools - our school district is excellant - if you
have to be in school - Hmm, some of my best friends are Public Schoolers.
(in fact my best friend IS on the school board)

IMHO homeschooling is best, however I know I'm not going to be able to
convince everyone (anyone?) of that, so I don't try.

It breaks my heart to see my bright "gifted" 14 yo niece, who loved school
her first 5 years, and now hates it. They have nothing to offer her! And
another friend just told me her 10 yo is ready to go back to school because
he's so bored, and I know he's just hit that hump in the road of
deschooling - maybe that's why school vacation is so short - so the kids
won't have time to figure out that they don't need someone else to tell them
what to do every minute of the day? So lets all hear it for year round

But if my kids wanted to go to school, I'd let them. I've heard that school
feels a whole lot different when you are there by your own choice - and when
you know that you can always go home again!

My $.02!
Becky in Ohio