Melanie Shimokawa

Who writes these books? Siblings w/o Rivalry and How to Talk and Listen
- I forget the title. Also, does anyone know any good books on
convincing a spouse who prefers to remain stubbornly ignorant, yet at
the same time refuses to allow you to homeschool? I can't imagine what
he would say if I told him about unschooling!!! - I just won't. Let him
think we spend from 8-3 at the table doing worksheets and reports. I'll
just show him the paper things we do (ds loves worksheets - as long as
he gets to choose which ones we do and how long we spend on them).

And, while I'm writing... DS (2yo) likes books with pictures - no
matter how difficult the words are, but no matter how written for kids
they are, he doesn't like them if they don't have pictures. Fine. I'm
not worried. The funny thing is, I was reading "Little Men" the other
day, and laughed at the part where Mrs. Jo ties Nan up to the couch.
Mook (ds) asked what was so funny, and I proceeded to tell him the story
- I ended up telling him the whole book. As long as I was telling it
instead of reading it, he was fascinated and told DH all about the
book. DH was impressed (and insisting that with ds's intelligence, it
would be a shame not to send him to school - grrrrr). And, ds likes to
memorize books and then pretend that he's reading them in front of
people. He can't read - he hasn't progressed visibly in the past half
year or so when he learned his alphabet and the sounds the letters
make. (And, no, I'm not at all worried.) But other people ask me how I
do it (me? He's the one who's learning, not me), but they don't really
want to know. They just want the name of an expensive cram school.

Sorry to go on...

Love, Melanie in Japan

P.S. To anyone who cares - please note change of address

Diana Asberry

Melanie: sounds like alot of people (I've run into tons) are "stuck" with
societys vain-boosting notion need to say "MY DS/DD attends such-and-such
school (insert expensive cram school)"
I wonder if DH is stuck with needing a prestigious school to cite where his
ds attends?
Just my $.02

Hang in there!

Diana A.
"the world is our classroom"

----Original Message Follows----
From: Melanie Shimokawa <sfamily@...>
He's the one who's learning, not me), but they don't really
want to know. They just want the name of an expensive cram school.

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/21/99 3:35:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
sfamily@... writes:

<< He can't read - he hasn't progressed visibly in the past half
year or so when he learned his alphabet and the sounds the letters
make. (And, no, I'm not at all worried.) But other people ask me how I
do it (me? He's the one who's learning, not me), but they don't really
want to know. They just want the name of an expensive cram school.
Sad. >>

Have you looked into book on tapes...? I find that my kids are fascinated by
them. Sometimes they want to be read too, but it's not unusual that they
will just plug the headphones into the stereo and listen for a while.


[email protected]

In a message dated 08/21/1999 1:58:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
Rhiahl@... writes:

<< Have you looked into book on tapes...? I find that my kids are fascinated
them. Sometimes they want to be read too, but it's not unusual that they
will just plug the headphones into the stereo and listen for a while. >>

And how about videos???? My daughter could never (or would never) get
through "Hamlet" at 14 yo, but she saw the movie!!! Better that than
nothing, IMO.
