[email protected]

<snip>I always said if my child wanted to go I would let s/he. <snip>

I used to think this too, but I think it depends a lot on the
circumstances. If she wanted to go to a 4 week-long sleep-over summer
camp, you would probably give a lot of thought to the environment there,
her age and maturity level, her reasons for wanting to go, etc., instead
of just saying that she can go because she wants to go.

When my 8yr dd wanted to try school, we sat together and made a list of
what it was about school that she wanted to experience and then talked
about the pros and cons of those things and other ways to meet those

You know your child best, so give it a lot of thought and do what you
think is best for her.

Mary Ellen
In the huge rush to build shopping malls and banks,
no one is thinking about where kids can play.
That doesn't generate tax revenue.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]