Rita B.

Yeah, here in WA we show all of the ones that offer discounts our "notice
of intent
to homeschool" form that we have to ifll out each year ...

My suggestion if they won't take that ... take them a pile of your childs
and some of your records you keep etc ... tell em that all I got if it
don't work
what else do you want? If they are in your area ... they should know you
don't have to file forms... also could ask an association in your area, see

what they suggest.. they are usually up on that stuff (or other co-op

That WOULD be frustrating!
No, I don't have anything like that. In Mo. we don't have to file any
forms stating we are homeschooling. I am tempted to print something up on
computer, with my husband as the principal and present that to them.
I could easily make a letterhead. How does that sound?
Just wondering, Judie - instead of squirting it up there
how bout squirt it on HIM so I can get some sleep LOL

Mom speaks highly of vinegar - she uses it as a disinfectant
I put bleach in my dishwater if doing them by hand and we have
any buggies runnin thru the house (colds etc) but (sigh)
I normally just run them thru the dishwasher (bowing head
in shame in the presence of women who homeschool AND
have time to wash dishes heheeh)
Hot water only kills germs if it's at least 160 degrees, which is too
hot for you to put your hands in. Also, vinegar and lemon juice
work to kill germs because anything below a pH of three
extinguishes all life. It works great as a contraceptive too....squirt
some lemon juice in there, and you will not get pregnant.
Just a note on this one.
My son went thru a phase of this
He had been trained and then started messing his pants in bed
I took him to the doc, wondering what on earth ... doc said it happens
a lot ... esp in boys and should end right away on its own, if not to
bring him back in ...

Then my lil guy told me he had a secret one day ... so we went thru
the "mommy is the one to tell secrets to" thingy and he finally confided
in me and told me when he had to go "poop" he would go and lay down
and go to sleep so he didnt have to go anymore because it had hurt
last time he had done it ...

When I talked to doc about it he said this is very common if kids
for some reason have a hard bowel movement in their pants or in
the toilet it scares them thinking it will always hurt ... so they stop

What I tried and it worked with him, was I told him I would go in
with him when he had to go and be there and that I promised him
it would not hurt (then I gave him juices to be sure I kept my
promise LOL and once he got past that initial fear he was fine
and we never had messy pants again ...

Also, I had a neighbor whose son used to hold his bowel movements
from fear and it caused damage inside ... he now will mess his pants
(at 11) and not even know he has to go - awake or asleep - how horrifying!
Her doc said it is because he held it so much it damaged internally and
they need to do surgery at 12 if it doesn't correct itself by then :(
Poor lil guy ...

So .. having said all that, I wouldn't sweat it - as they say it happens
alot but you might encourage it or help it with some things that loosen
the bowel and encourage him to try with you there so he has nothing
to fear?

AND if it is fear because he is afraid of sititng on the potty, maybe that
big hole
of water is scary? They have games real cheap you put on toilet ... you aim
shoot rofl

they have a gold game you sit on the toilet and putt while waiting for "it"
to happen - may take his mind off what is below him?

Just a thought but you may have already tried that. - I wish you the best
with it ...

Nice part is - they train themself in time ... as they age and come to care
about stuff
they work it out ... Just remind him it doesnt make him bad, but you want
to help him
to grow up in this way and he can help you by telling you how you can help

aisliin@... writes:

Now we just have to get over his resistance to
pooping in the potty, which he has yet to do. He says
he is scared.


Sincerely, Rita

"Everything for Homeschoolers USA" Free CD
~ Lord, make me quick to listen and slow to speak.~

[email protected]

In a message dated 5/10/01 7:49:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< The Clean Team product has a much larger base, if you have large rooms
this might work better. Here's the website:

Annette >>

Thank you very much Annette.