Diana Asberry

I just "shared" this with the group a minute ago :~>
LOL....we must be on the same wavelength
I also was concerned about the relevancy since I haven't been joining in the
conversations lately ;~)

Sorry for the repeat, everyone!

I just couldn't let the 'No' side win--such an awfully worded question; and
of course the socialization issue---AACK

Diana A.
"the world is our classroom"

----Original Message Follows----
From: "mrstar" <mrstar@...>

Attention homeschooling and unschooling friends
I just got this, went there, and am sharing. It isn't spam if it is
verifiable so I better not get flamed. It is relevant and it is real. I was
just there. Mary/in Idaho/starfreedom (whatever)

p.s., sorry for any repeats guys.